
As a theme for this year’s tours, I have chosen a symbolic figure from the caves of ancient India called chakraman. In our present time, chakraman exists as a beautiful painting by my friend and fellow sannyasin, mandala-painter Paul Heussenstaam, also known as Vibodha. You can learn more about him and his work at In his own words: “Chakraman literally glows with the capacity to heal and teach using the ancient chakra energy-medicine.”
In my understanding, this energy-medicine is another name for meditation. Osho has spoken on various occasions about the chakras and their significance to the seeker, explaining how the system of the chakras is like a map, invented by the Buddhas, to help us better understand the stages of the spiritual search – just as the Zen people use The Ten Bulls allegory.
Osho describes the chakras as being metaphoric wheels – not centers – of energy in our psychic body. Speaking on them from many perspectives – I found over two hundred references to the word ‘chakras’ when I ran a search – his essential point is: When all the chakras are open, relaxed, natural – our energy circulating freely in each one – celebration overflows, creating a tremendous potential for healing.
At this year’s events, we will be experimenting with many different meditations to open the various chakras – removing blocks, releasing repressed, locked-up energy – thereby making us available to higher dimensions of consciousness. Chakraman is shamanic, a channel for the mysteries of existence. It is a powerful symbol for the healing power of meditation. I am grateful to Vibodha for his support in this project.
In the months ahead, I look forward to coming together with seekers throughout the world, to share a fresh new vision of meditation and celebration – and the music! In addition to Japan, Europe and America, I am excited to visit some new places like Mexico for the Spirit Festival – and possibly Brazil and Taiwan. So stay tuned and watch the schedule for developments. It’s going to be a great year!