one sky music
December 18, 2013


Fresh Start

The New Year is just around the corner! And what better way to welcome it in than with medita-tion? It is a good time to clean off the dust from one’s mirror, say goodbye to the past — all those ups and downs and all arounds — and step into the unknown fresh, with clear eyes and an easy heart.

I invite you to Zorba Studio in Dallas, Texas, January 1st – friends, lovers, even those new to meditation – to join me kickstarting the New Year with one of the best meditations on the planet: Dynamic Meditation. I guarantee it will be one of the BEST, most POWERFUL and LIBERATING Dynamic Meditations ever!

After Dynamic, the celebration with continue with lots more meditation, dance, song, silence, Osho, wonderful food and opportunities to meet, hug, laugh, play, share, or simply be alone. Everything will finish up around 4pm.
Meditation, Love, Celebration and a Healthy Dose of Laughter. Doesn’t this sound like a perfect start to the New Year? If so,  please join me and let’s bring it on (or IN! as the case may be).