one sky music
September 4, 2015

When I close my eyes and think about the festival I see a rainbow: a kaleidoscope of color, feeling, and emotion — a Great Affair of the heart as Osho might say. And beyond, the vastness, the sea, the sky, the silence. The festival felt like a natural progression from the previous Family Constellation Training, a flow of energy that transitioned effortlessly into meditation, lightness of being, openness, and celebration. What a gift. Transformation was still present in the eyes of those from the group who stayed on. Dynamic Meditation with Riktam, Tai-Chi with Zarathustra, and Morning Satsang with the musicians set the tone each morning for the day’s adventures which included: Bhangra Masala Dancing and Theater Improvisation with Bodhi Svaaha; Born Again with Haridasi; Mystic Rose with Alexandra; Past-Life and Family Constellation with Darshan; a singing workshop with Vatayan; Shamanism with Carlos; Heart Dance, Sannyas Celebration, and many more wonderful highlights. Highlights such as this: one afternoon before Kundalini Meditation, the event overflowed yet again when a big box of just-baked custard tarts arrived (the famous ones from Belem!) from one of the event’s sponsors. This was enjoyed, of course, with port wine. Mmm … Portugal. Simply the best. And the band, wow! Thank you guys: Vatayan (keyboards), Bhavesh (drums), and Carlos (guitar). The music was divinely off-the-charts. Special thanks to Darshan and her incredible Heart-Team. Obrigado a todos e vê-lo novamente em breve.